
Surabaya, 13 September 1961


Jl. Bhaskara Selatan D-14 Surabaya – 60112, East Java, Indonesia

Mobile - 08165418041

Whataapp  - 08165418041

E-mail  :   Website :  



1.        Airlangga University Surabaya, Post-Graduate Program (S-2), Majoring in Management Studies  

Jl. Darmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Phone (031) 5023715 - 5320170,   Fax : (031) 5030076. 1999 – 2004, Graduated

2.        Airlangga University Surabaya, Baccalaureate Program (S-1), Majoring in Business Management

Jl. Airlangga 4 Surabaya, Phone (031) 5033642 – 5033869,  Fax (031) 5026288

      1993 - 1998, Graduated

3.        Teacher Training College (IKIP) Surabaya, Baccalaureate Program (S-1), Majoring in Teaching English as

A Foreign Language (TEFL)

Jl. Ketintang Surabaya

1981-1985, Graduated

4.        Informatics & Computer Engineering (STIKOM) Surabaya, Associate Degree Program

Terminated after completing 96 Credit Units

Jl. Raya Kutisari 66 Surabaya

5.        Public Senior High School 1 Surabaya, Natural Sciences Program

Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 48 Surabaya

      1977 - 1981, Graduated.




1.        Certified as a Sworn Translator (English-Indonesian v.v.) by Decree of Governor of East Java, dated 18 May 2005, Number : 188/137/KPTS/013/2005

2.        Certified English-Indonesian Language Translator, Qualification A, dated 10 August 2004, by Indonesia University (UI), Jakarta, Faculty of Cultural Studies (the only official certifying institution in Indonesia), Jl. Salemba Raya 4 Jakarta, Phone (021) 3155941

3.        Listed as a Sworn Translator in British Embassy and Australian Embassy, Jakarta

4.        Alumnae of EUROCHAMBRES ACADEMY, Batch 1, South-East Asia, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia, 2004


Course Materials :

1.        Empowering Chambers in the 21st Century (By Lee Cheng Suan of Federation Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), Malaysia)

2.        Strategic Planning for Chambers (By Gerry Doyle of South Dublin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ireland)

3.        Representation – Successful Lobbying (By Kip Lily of Lilly Foresight Dynamics, USA)

4.        Managing and Motivating Your Staff (By Peter Byrne of South Dublin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ireland)

5.        Chamber Leadership (By Heerah Singh of Heerah Training & Management Consultancy, Malaysia)

6.        Chamber Public Relations and Communications (By Peter Byrne of South Dublin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ireland)

7.        Generating Income (By Vanessa Bryan of Machester Chamber of Commerce and Industry, England)

8.        Maximizing Board Effectiveness (By Kip Lily of Lilly Foresight Dynamics, USA)

9.        Membership Promotion (By Gerry Doyle, Senior Advisor to Irish Chamber, Ireland)

10.     EU External Cooperation, Programmes and International Project Management

(By Dick Vantyghem of Eurochambres, Denmark)

11.     Networking Opportunities for Members (By Vanessa Bryan of Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Industry, England)

12.     Trade Promotion Initiatives for Chambers (By Giacinto Bosco of Florence Chamber of Commerce – PROMOFIRENZE, Italy)

13.     EU-ASEAN Relations in Global World – The European Union Trade Policy

(By Carlos Bermejo Acosta of European Commission Delegation to Thailand, Spain)

14.     Moving Chambers On-line (By Wolfgang Schinagl of Austrian Chamber Organization, Austria)



1.        Goal-Oriented Project Planning Method (ZOPP) (By GTZ – German Chamber of Commerce – Jakarta Office)

2.        Competency Based Training and Assessment (By Barry Clark of Indonesia – Australia Partnership for Development – Metal Projects, Australia)

3.        Implementation of Competency Based Training in Indistries (By PT. PAL Indonesia)

4.        Setting up a Business Matching Service Within a Chamber or Trade Association (By Wong Chin Yeow of ZDH Partnership Program, Singapore)

5.        Canada – Indonesia Business Cooperation Conference (By Canada Embassy to Indonesia)

6.        11 Guidelines to be an Agent/Distributor of American Company (By the US Commercial Service in Indonesia)

7.        Strategies to Access Japanese market (By Hajime Kinoshita of JIBAK)

8.        Assessing Risk for Loan Officers (By Michael Meraw of PEP Canada)

9.        Researching Export Markets (By Jane Lister of PEP Canada)

10.     Services Program (By DIHK – German National Chamber of Commerce)

11.     Advisory Board Meeting 2004 – 2005 (By DIHK – German National Chamber of Commerce)

12.     Expert Supports (By CIM Germany, SEC - Swiss Contact & WUSKI)

13.     Strategies to Earn Financial Aid from European Union Via Asia Invest & EU - Indonesia Small Project Facilities (By Dagmar Boving of SIHK - German National Chamber of Commerce)

14.     Export Opportunities to European Union (By Raffaelle Quarto of  European Commission Delegation)

15.     Entrepreneurship for College Students (By East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

16.     Integrated Industrial Zone (By East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

17.     Personal Talent System  (by DIHK –  German National Chamber of Commerce)




  • 1986 – 2004

Senior Translator, WEBB Foreign Language Translation Bureau, Surabaya

(Indonesian-English and English-Indonesian)

  • 1998 – Present

Serving as Co-reader and Summarizer of Text Books for Post-Graduate Students

  • 2001 – Present

Chairman of  ‘Essential’ Translation Services, Surabaya

(Indonesian-English and English-Indonesian)


  • Consulate General of the United States of America in Surabaya by, inter alia : Antone C. Greubel - Vice Consul, Thomas C. Daneils – Vice Consul, and Craig L. Hall - Vice Consul
  • Court of Surabaya (by summons to be a translating witness)




  1. State Owned Companies

-          PT. Semen Gresik (Persero)                                                           - PT. PLN (Persero)

-          PT. Wijaya Karya Beton                                                                  - PT. Pelindo III

-          PT. Semen Indonesia                                                                      - PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya

-          PT. PTP XI                                                                                      - PT. PTP XII


  1. Provincial Owned Companies

-          Wira Jatim Group

-          PT. Jatim Marga Utama


  1. Foreign Investment Companies

-          PT. Bayer Indonesia                                                                        - PT. Lisa Concrete Indonesia

-          PT. Cerdec                                                                                      - PT. Ferro

-          PT. Caterlindo                                                                                 - Hotel J.W. Marriot (The Westin)

-          PT. Holland Colours                                                                        - PT. Tatsumi Indonesia

-          PT. Hitachi Indonesia                                                                      - PT. Ajinomoto

-          PT. Altus Logistics Services Indonesia                                             - PT. Sentral Supel Perkasa

-          Rexplast                                                                                          - PT. Filtrona Indonesia

-          PT. Betts Indonesia                                                                         - PT. Sorini Towa Corporindo

-          Akzo Nobel Indonesia                                                                      - PT. IGE Indonesia

-          PT. G.D. Indonesia                                                                          - PT. Tata Solusi Pratama

-          PT. Tri Sakti Purwosari                                                                   - PT. Nusantara Indah Makmur

-          PT. Purindo Ilufa                                                                             - PT. Anta Kesuma Inti Raharja

-          PT. SOL Melia Indonesia                                                 - PT. Surya Kertas Indonesia

-          PT. Hanil Metal Jaya                                                                       - PT. High Touch Indonesia

-          PT. Heinz Suparma                                                                         - PT. Bhirawa Steel

-          PT. Benteng Sutindo                                                                       - PT. Sanjaya Jogja Internasional

-          PT. Petro Oxo Nusantara                                                                - PT. Blackwoods Indonesia


  1. Government Institution/Services

-          Surabaya Custom and Excise – Bea Cukai Tanjung Perak

-          Surabaya Census Service and Civil Registry

-          East Java Youth and Sport Service

-          East Nusa Tenggara Fishery and Marine Service


  1. Public Companies

-          PT. Jaya Board Tbk.                                                                       - PT. Dynaplast Tbk.

-          PT. HM. Sampoerna, Tbk.                                                              - PT. Ciputra Surya, Tbk.

-          PT. Indospring, Tbk.                                                                        - PT. Pakuwon Jati, Tbk.

-          PT. Jasuindo Tika Perkasa, Tbk.                                                     - PT. Siantar Top Tbk.


  1. Foreign Companies/Organizations

-          Distri Plus Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)                                                      - Keppel Group (Singapore)

-          Dressel Investment Limited (USA)                                                  - Amerada Hess (USA)

-          Akzo Nobel (Netherlands)                                                               - Santos (Australia)

-          PetroChina                                                                                      - Phillips (Netherlands)

-          PT. Jindal Stainless (Korea)                                                            - PT. Inspat Indo (India)

-          Precena Strategic Partners Pte. Ltd.                                               - Jatim Taman Steel Manufacturing


  1. Domestic Investment Companies

-          PT. Untung Bersama Sejahtera                                                      - PT. Bangun Berkat Semesta

-          PT. Cipta Anugerah Berkarya                                                         - PT. Makmur Mas Mulia

-          PT. Raja Mulia Jaya Sejahtera                                                        - PT. Rukun Bersatu Sejahtera

-          PT. Untung Bersatu Abadi                                                              - PT. Yakin Kasih Karunia

-          PT. Lentera Bersatu                                                                        - PT. Ristatek

-          PT. Maha Mangan Indonesia                                                          - PT. Sumber Gizi Sejahtera

-          PT. Housen Tool Sarana                                                - PT. Lestari Sukses Makmur

-          PT. Hezzel Karya Makmur                                                              - PT. Indolitharge Megahtama

-          PT. Indoprima Investama                                                                - PT. Artisan Surya Kreasi

-          PT. Unique Bridal                                                                            - PT. Hutan Mahligai

-          PT. Shindo Tiara Tunggal                                                               - PT. Ansa Qualities Yarn

-          PT. Sentosa Abadi Purwosari                                                         - PT. Trisakti Purwosari

-          PT. Kelola Investa                                                                           - PT. Nusantara Indah Makmur

-          PT. Selaras Husada                                                                        - PT. AI Agriniaga


  1. Exporters and Trading

-          PT. Asia Raya                                                                                 - PT. Bina Satria Abadi

-          PT. Meshindo Alloy Corp.                                                                - PT. Pakerin

-          PT. Artha Glass Industry                                                                 - Crown Trading & Co.

-          PT. Panah Logisindo                                                                       - PT. Intidaya Dinamika Sejati


  1. Shipping/Forwarding Companies

-          PT. Ben Bahari Line

-          PT. Anis Nusa Persada (ANP)

-          PT. Pelayaran Putra Annaposini Nusantara

-          PT. Meratus Line

-          PT. Golden Ocean Line


  1. Engineering Companies

-          PT. Panca Jasa Lingkungan – Enviro                                              - PPLI – Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri


  1. Notary Public and Land Certificate Conveyancers

-          Dyah Ambarwati Setyoso, SH.                                                        - Dr. Tandyo Hasan, S.H., M.H., M.Kn.

-          Dr. Inge Soesanto, S.H., M.Kn.                                                       - Maimunah Zubaidah, S.H.

-          Henrika Suwarti Sugiono, SH.                                                         - Yahya A Waber, S.H., M.Hum.

-          Siti Nurul Yuliami, S.H., MKn.                                                          - Ermin Nainy Pasi Sidarta, SH.

-          Yvone Iskandar, SH.                                                                       - Christiani Handoko, SH.

-          Devi Chrisnawati, SH.                                                                     - Wimphry Suwignyo, SH.

-          Ilman Nizamiar, SH.                                                                        - R. Wedyo Nugroho, SH.

-          Stefanus Aris, SH.                                                                           - Nur Afil, S.H.

-          R. J. Andy Hartanto, S.H., M.H., Ir., M.M.T.                                 - Yudi Wijaya, S.H.

-          Rusdi Mulyono, S.H.                                                                        - Suharyanto, S.H.

-          Jatmiko, S.H.


  1. Lawyers

-          Markus Sajogo & Associates (Attorneys & Counselot at Law)

-          Michael Hans, S.H., S.E., M.Kn., LL.M. (Intellectual Property Rights Consultant )


  1. Tours and Travel Agents

-          Manna Tour                                                                                    - PT. Celindo

-          ATS Vacations                                                                 - PT. Viva Tour

-          Duta Tour Jumantara                                                                     


  1. Education Consultants

-          DK Bali                                                                                            - Edlink Connex

-          Edupac – KAPLAN                                                                          - AUG

-          Go Global Way                                                                                - Premiere

-          Hello Taiwan                                                                                   - Taiwan Education Center

-          Indonesia Tionghoa Culture Center                                                - SOS Indonesia

-          Search Indonesia                                                                            - ACE Overseas Education Specialist


  1. Mining Companies

-          PT. Borneo Prima                                                                           - PT. Bumi Dharma Kencana

-          PT. Sentosa Laju Energi                                                                 - PT. Bumi Barito Mineral

-          PT. Palopo Indah Raya                                                                   - PT. Pacific Samudra perkasa

-          PT. IMR                                                                                           - PT. Dharmala Terminal Coal

-          PT. Larkindo Resources                                                                  - PT. Amarta Nusantara Energi

-          PT. Bara Lengi Mandiri  


  1. Others

-          PT. Fiskaria - Radio Suara Surabaya (SS)

Winner of Quality Summit Award for Excellent & Business Prestige 2005 from Business Initiative Direction (New York)



(Courses : TOEFL, IELTS, Academic Writing, English Conversation, Business

Correspondence, English for Business, English for Law, English for Engineering etc.)


FAMILY – PRIVATE COURSE (among other things) :

1.        1993- 1997

Family of Commander of Military District V – KODAM V Brawijaya, Major General IMAM UTOMO S. (Past Immediate Governor of East Java)

2.        1992- 1993

Family of Commander of Military District V – KODAM V Brawijaya, major General HARTONO (Ret. General and Ex-Minister of Information of Republic of Indonesia)

3.        1995- 1998

Family of Admiral CHAIRUL HUDA

4.        1991 - 1993

Family of Colonel J.P. SEPANG (Ex- Chief of Jakarta Surface Traffic Service)

5.        2001 – 2003

Family of Ir. ERLANGGA SATRIAGUNG, Chairman of East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry

6.        1995- 1997

Family of F.X. TEGUH KINARTO, Chairman of East Java Real Estate Association

7.        1995 – 1997

Family of Prof. Dr. dr.  TEDI ONTOSENO, DSAK, DSJP, Head of East Java Paediatrician Association

8.        1998-2000

Family of Ir. IRIJANTO, Production Director of PTPN XII


IN-COMPANY COURSES (among other things) :

1.        Kentucky Fried Chicken

2.        Toko Buku Gunung Agung

3.        PT. Multi Bir Bintang Indonesia

4.        PT. Phillip Ralin

5.        PT. Bank Jatim

6.        POMDAM V Brawijaya (Conversation)

7.        POLDA Jawa Timur (Persiapan SESPIMPOL)

8.        PT. Boma Bisma Indra

9.        Toko Buku Sari Agung

10.     PT. Gelael Super Market

11.     PT. Kedawung Setia Tbk.

12.     Kone Elevators

13.     PT. Bank Halim Indonesia

14.     PTPN XI

15.     Balai Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM)

16.     PT. Sekar Jati

17.     PT. Jerindo Sari Utama

18.     PT. Rhema Tip Top



1.        Cory Antosh (Canada) – Expert PT. Kedaung Setia Tbk.

2.        Kari Houpianen (Finland) – Expert Kone Elevators

3.        Jack Halley (USA) - Expert PT. Kedaung Setia Tbk.




East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry – KADIN Jawa Timur

(2001 – February 2006)


- Job Descriptions :

Ø  Handling, maintaining, developing foreign relations between East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EJCCI) and foreign institution/organizations/entities

Ø  Assigned for special missions

Ø  Coordinating the activities of EJCCI secretariat staff

Ø  Organizing EJCCI joint-events (in collaboration with foreign partners)


- Jobs Requiring English Language Application (among other things) :

Ø  Master of Ceremony (MC) in English Speaking Forums :

(Canada - Indonesia Business Cooperation Conference, EJCCI- Poland Business Forum, etc.)

Ø  Moderator in English Speaking Workshops (among other things) :

(Indonesia – Australia Program for Skills Development, How to Access Japan Market, Agri-Business Terminal, etc.)

Ø  Translator of EJCCI documents

(Overseas Trade Exhibitions and Markets, Foreign Partnerships, English Correspondence, etc.)

Ø  Interpreter and Taking Minutes in various meetings between EJCCI and foreign delegations/guests with cooperation agendas (among other things) :

1.        Malaysian Ambassador for Indonesia (Datuk Rastam Mohamad Isa)

2.        Thailand Ambassador for Indonesia

3.        Delegation of US Embassy to Indonesia (Alice A. Devenport,  Rajemdra K. Dheer, and Henry Sutanto)

4.        Delegation of US Consulate General in Surabaya (Richard W. LaRoche, JR., Krismiati M. Ulansari)

5.        Delegation of British Embassy to Indonesia (Bernie Wilson, Neil Errington, and Harris Siagian)

6.        British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Gary Andrews)

7.        Delegation of Polish Embassy to Indonesia (Mariuz Wrzesniewski and Michal Niedbalski)

8.        PEP Canada (Tim Reynolds, Jack Mukerdja, jane Lister, Michael Meraw, Ted Treller, and John Juill)

9.        CIDA Canada (Mr. Robert Lee)

10.     ZDH – SEQUA (Heiko G. Waesh and Peter Lee)

11.     Canada – Indonesia Business Development Office (Greg A.Elms)

12.     Indonesia – Australia Partnership for Skills Development – Metals Project (Ian Thurnbull, and Barry Clarks)

13.     DIHK – German National Chamber of Commerce (Andreas Gosche)

14.     Japan –Indonesia Business Association of Kansai – JIBAK (Hajime Kinoshita)

15.     International Labor Organization (ILO) Jakarta / SEPAT Manila (Mukda Sunkool, Carmelia I. Torres, Amy Torres, and Tauvik Muhammad)

16.     JICA (Naoki Ito, Takuji Kameyama and Shoji Kohmura)

17.     Western Australia Office in Indonesia (Trevor Boughton)

18.     Centrum für Internationale und Entwickiung - CIM (Horst Fabian)

Ø  Communication Assistant between Experts assigned in EJCCI with EJCCI Board and EJCCI Secretariat Staff (Cristoph Einfalt, Manfred Schultz and Michael Berger)

Ø  Drafter of speeches, letters, and proposals

(East Java In Brief, East Java Product Display in Tianjin – ROC, East Java Free Zone, Memorandum of Understanding – MoU, Business Directory, etc.)

Ø  Text Editor of Business Development Center (BDC) of EJCCI



  • 1998 – 2007

Airlangga University - Surabaya, Faculty of Economics

Jl. Airlangga 4 Surabaya

Phones (031) 5033642 - 5036584

Courses :  Management Information System (MIS), Research Methodology, Report Writing,

 Business Correspondence

·         1986 - 2000

WEBB Academy of Foreign Languages and Translation - Surabaya

Jl. Sumatra 31-F Surabaya,

                Phones : 5030234 - 5026024

                Courses :  Translation, Composition, Conversation, and Reading Comprehension

·         1999 - 2001

ABI Economic College - Surabaya

Jl. Raya Darmo 155 - 159 Surabaya,

                Phones : 5672204, 5671701, 5671706 Ext. 224

                Courses :  English for Economics and Introduction to Economics

·         1987 - 1997

Minerva Institute - Surabaya

Jl. Raya Menur Pumpungan 30 Surabaya,

                Courses : English for Secretaries and Filing



Surabaya, 29 July 2019





Sworn Translator/Penerjemah Tersumpah

SK Gub Jatim No. 188/137/KPTS/013/2005

